Saturday, March 13, 2010


As the title suggests, this is a rebirth, or rather return to blogging for me... Since my last blog didnt go out too well (5 posts =.=) I decided to scrap the old one entirely as I thought it was a waste trying to resurrect it anyway, and the whole layout and stuff was an eyesore.

So... this new blog would be much more random I guess, I'll be just posting things from the top of my head or stuff I picked up from the 'net, or my usual Gundam hobby findings/ramblings/cool stuff. Actually, some of you might find this blog rather funny, as I AM prone to outbursts sometimes, and you might find them appearing here... Well, I guess I am much more emo than I would like people to assume I am... Taking after my mother I guess...

Speaking of which, my parents are in Switzerland starting yesterday the 12th of March... I took them to have dinner at the French Restaurant in my school, they seemed pretty impressed but kinda tired as well... Had to ditch dessert because my dad insisted on catching the 8.16 train down, can't blame them... jet lag and all...

Well, there you have a glimpse of things to come I guess... A much more unstructured and random blog, I'll just be typing things that pop into my head, on the trot... Not much editing... Just ideas flowing through my fingers... literally... Hope you guys dont mind yeah... Anyway, its been a while since I've blogged, but this kinda feels good.... VERY SURPRISINGLY... oh well... I'll be signing off for now, look forward to the next post... (if there ever is gonna be one, keep ur fingers twiddly crossed) =P

Cheers fellas!
Jianming/Jackie/Genghis Chan/Hitler/Mad Professor

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